bitable  0.1
Ordered immutable key value storage system.
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bitableread.h File Reference

Interface for reading from a bitable. Note that readable bitables are immutable and that apart from allocating/opening and closing the table, no resource allocation is directly performed. More...

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Data Structures

struct  BitableCursor


typedef struct BitableReadable BitableReadable
typedef struct BitableCursor BitableCursor
typedef enum BitableFindOperation BitableFindOperation


enum  BitableFindOperation { BFO_LOWER = 0, BFO_UPPER = 1, BFO_EXACT = 2 }


BITABLE_API BitableReadablebitable_read_allocate ()
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_read_open (BitableReadable *table, const char *path, BitableReadOpenFlags openFlags, BitableComparisonFunction *comparison)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_read_close (BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API void bitable_read_free (BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_readable_stats (const BitableReadable *table, BitableStats *stats)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_find (BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table, const BitableValue *searchKey, BitableFindOperation operation)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_first (BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_last (BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_next (BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_previous (BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_key (const BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table, BitableValue *key)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_value (const BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table, BitableValue *value)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_key_value_pair (const BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table, BitableValue *key, BitableValue *value)
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_indice (const BitableCursor *cursor, const BitableReadable *table, uint64_t *indice)

Detailed Description

Interface for reading from a bitable. Note that readable bitables are immutable and that apart from allocating/opening and closing the table, no resource allocation is directly performed.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct BitableCursor BitableCursor

A cursor - represents a position in the bitable that contains a key value pair. Cursors index into the leaf level directly (page and item within the leaf page).

Operations that can be used with the find function.

A bitable that can be read from. Allocate on the heap using bitable_read_allocate. Open an allocated one from the file system using bitable_read_open.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Operations that can be used with the find function.


Lower bound search - use this to find the item at the start of a range (inclusive).


Upper bound search - use this to find the item at the end of a range (inclusive).


Exact match search - will return an error if the find operation doesn't result in an exact match.

Function Documentation

BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_find ( BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table,
const BitableValue searchKey,
BitableFindOperation  operation 

Given a key and find operation, find a matching position in the bitable and populate the cursor with it. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call), as it does not modify the bitable. BFO_EXACT searches will only find exact key matches, BFO_LOWER will find the lower inclusive bound of a range. BFO_UPPER will find the upper inclusive bound of a range search. Note that this function does not allocate memory from the heap, but it may cause memory to be demand paged (memory mapped file).

[out]cursorThe cursor that will be populated with the find position. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to find the key in. Should not be null.
searchKeyThe key to search for. Should not be null.
operationThe operation to use for searching.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_KEY_NOT_FOUND is the operation is BFO_EXACT and the key doesn't exist in the bitable. BR_END_OF_SEQUENCE if the operation is an upper/lower bound and the bound is outside the bitable range.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_first ( BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table 

Populate the cursor with the first position (beginning) of the bitable. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

[out]cursorThe cursor that will be populated with the first position. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to get the position of. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_END_OF_SEQUENCE if the bitable is empty.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_indice ( const BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table,
uint64_t *  indice 

Read the indice (0 based) at a particular cursor position. The indice number of key value pairs before the one at the cursor. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

cursorThe cursor position that will be read from. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to read from. Should not be null.
[out]indiceThe indice to read out. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_INVALID_CURSOR_LOCATION if the cursor position isn't valid.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_key ( const BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table,
BitableValue key 

Read the key at a particular cursor position from the bitable. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

cursorThe cursor position that will be read from. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to read from. Should not be null.
[out]keyThe key to read out. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_INVALID_CURSOR_LOCATION if the cursor position isn't valid.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_key_value_pair ( const BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table,
BitableValue key,
BitableValue value 

Read both the key and value value at a particular cursor position from the bitable. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

cursorThe cursor position that will be read from. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to read from. Should not be null.
[out]keyThe key to read out. Should not be null.
[out]valueThe key value read out. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_INVALID_CURSOR_LOCATION if the cursor position isn't valid.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_last ( BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table 

Populate the cursor with the last position (at the end) of the bitable. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

[out]cursorThe cursor that will be populated with the last position. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to get the position of. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_END_OF_SEQUENCE if the bitable is empty.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_next ( BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table 

Populate the cursor with the next position from its current value. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

[in,out]cursorThe cursor that will be incremented to the next position. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to perform the operation with. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is fdsuccessful. BR_END_OF_SEQUENCE if the next position is beyond the end of the sequence.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_previous ( BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table 

Populate the cursor with the previous position from its current value. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

[in,out]cursorThe cursor that will be decremented to the previous position. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to perform the operation with. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_END_OF_SEQUENCE if the next position is beyond the end of the sequence.
BITABLE_API BitableReadable* bitable_read_allocate ( )

Allocate a zeroed readable bitable, to be used with bitable_read_open (can be re-used multiple times, when a table is closed).

The allocated readable bitable.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_read_close ( BitableReadable table)

Close the file handles (etc) associated with a previously opened readable bitable. Note, this operation can be called on an already closed table (idempotence). This does not free the memory associated with the BitableReadable, so it can be re-used. Closing/opening with regards to the BitableReadable instance are not thread safe operations so they should only be done exclusively.

tableThe readable bitable to close. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the table could be successfully closed.
BITABLE_API void bitable_read_free ( BitableReadable table)

Close the file handles (etc) associated with a previously opened readable bitable and frees the memory associated with it. Note, this operation can be called on an already closed table to de-allocate it. Closing/opening with regards to the BitableReadable instance are not thread safe operations so they should only be done exclusively.

tableThe readable bitable to close. Should not be null.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_read_open ( BitableReadable table,
const char *  path,
BitableReadOpenFlags  openFlags,
BitableComparisonFunction comparison 

Open a bitable from the file system for reading. Apart from bitable_read_allocate, this is the only read function that allocates memory directly (memory may be demand paged for reading from the memory mapped files). It is safe to open the same path multiple times with different BitableReadable instances, even in different processes. You should not try and re-use the same BitableReadable instance without closing it. Closing/opening with regards to the BitableReadable instance are not thread safe operations so they should only be done exclusively. Memory mapped within bitable_read_open should be protected to be read only.

[out]tableThe previously allocated readable bitable to open into. Should not be null.
pathThe path to the bitable to open, in UTF8 encoding (even on Windows extended charactesr are supported). Should not be null.
openFlagsThe flags to use for opening the bitable - note reading hints will be applied to leaf and large value files only,
comparisonA comparison function that will be used to compare keys for searching. This should match the sort order when the keys were appended. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the table could be successfully opened for reading, an error code otherwise (BR_ALREADY_OPEN, BR_FILE_OPERATION_FAILED, BR_FILE_TOO_SMALL, BR_HEADER_CORRUPT, BR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED, BR_FILE_TOO_LARGE).
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_readable_stats ( const BitableReadable table,
BitableStats stats 

Get the statistics associated with a particular bitable (including the number of items, depth, page size, key and value alignments etc). This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

tableThe open readable bitable to get the stats from. Should not be null.
[out]statsThe stats from the table. Should not be null.
BR_SUCCESS if the stats could successfully be retrieved.
BITABLE_API BitableResult bitable_value ( const BitableCursor cursor,
const BitableReadable table,
BitableValue value 

Read the value at a particular cursor position from the bitable. This method is thread-safe on an open table (but the table must be open for the duration of the call).

cursorThe cursor position that will be read from. Should not be null.
tableThe open readable bitable to read from. Should not be null.
[out]valueThe key value read out.
BR_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. BR_INVALID_CURSOR_LOCATION if the cursor position isn't valid.